Coming out with a fun, albeit devious Christmas special, Jimmy Kimmel brought in the Truth Fairy, and a "lie detector" in order to check whether or not children were telling the truth about the naughty and nice things they've done this year.
Six-year-old Fletcher, was first interrogated by Officer Kimmel, with some help from sidekick Guillermo Truth Fairy, about his behavior over the last 12 months.
Even after a few mishaps with the lie detector, Fletcher simply told on his four-year-old brother Sammy, calling his younger sibling a "rough boy" for always tackling him.
However, when Sammy was brought in by himself for questioning, the four-year-old revealed that older brother Fletcher bit him on a constant basis!.
After playing Jimmy's little game, the brothers eventually made up for their grievances, and apologized to one another, forgiving each other in turn. But did they make the Nice List? Watch below to find out!
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